
Balance & Vestibular
disorders treatment

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Kinésithérapeute et patiente femme âgée avec casque VR pour traiter troubles équilibre et vestibulaires

VR, a Must Have for Balance
& Vestibular disorders

Kinésithérapeute fondateur Virtualis expert Réalité Virtuelle Franck Assaban

VR is often seen as a way to take care of a patient through the entrance visual.

If the management of visual dependence seems obvious, VR, Virtual Reality, allows in addition, to stimulate the vestibular system (after neuritis for example), by means of head movements (Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex and Vestibulo-Spinal) active by controlling speed and amplitude.

Franck Assaban
Physical Therapist, Founder, President and International Speaker.

71% of Vestibular PTs equipped with VR could not do without anymore.**

BalanceVR treats:

Amplitude, vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la réalité virtuelle.

Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.

  • Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Entorses
  • Arthroses
  • Fractures
  • ...
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Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.

  • Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Entorses
  • Arthroses
  • Fractures
  • ...
Analytical or multisensory rehabilitation

The 3 sensory inputs needed to maintain a good balance (vision, proprioception and labyrinthine system) are trained and efficiently rehabilitated thanks to Virtual Reality. From assessment to rehabilitation, Virtualis modules allow the global treatment of the patient. The patient is offered analytical (isolated entries) or multisensory rehabilitation to get a real functional rehabilitation and to be as close as possible to his daily life. The use of force plates (connected to VR) provides a very effective additional tool, whether for assessment or rehabilitation.

  • Risk of falls in the elderly
  • Osteoarticular rehabilitation suite
  • Neurologic disorders
  • Orthopedic, Traumatological, Rheumatological Surgery Suite
Simplified optokinetic stimulations

An Must Have medical tool in the therapeutic arsenal of the vestibular clinician expert, Virtual Reality allows the most complete rehabilitation of vestibular disorders. Virtualis rehabilitation modules considerably simplify optokinetic stimulations and make them closer to the physiology of the patient. Virtual Reality allows the use of several optical flows in full immersion.

The patient benefits from the most state-of-art and effective solution when combined with rehabilitation platforms & CDP integrated Virtual Reality, whether for vestibular assessments or for the rehabilitation of such pathologies.

  • Post VPPB
  • PPPD
  • Neuritis, neurinoma
  • Meniere's syndrome
  • Vestibular omission
Progressive desensitization

The 360° immersion of Virtual Reality makes it possible to have the most relevant tool to allow the gradual desensitization of all the different symptoms of motion sickness but also for certain phobias such as acrophobia or agoraphobia.

Thepatient is virtuallyplaced in the situations that cause the symptoms. Exposure to the factors that trigger disorders will start very smoothly and will be gradually increased until the disorder sustainably disappears.

  • Seasickness (naupathy)
  • Motion sickness
  • Acrophobia
  • Agoraphobia
  • Highway syndrome
Vestibular system training

Working on proprioception in a very functional and physiological way, training visual dependence and the vestibular system, are some of the possibilities offered by Virtualis rehabilitation modules. These modules are the result of many years of practical experience and users’ feedback in physical therapy, neurology, balance and vestibular disorders.

The patient benefits from a very tailored rehabilitation protocol thanks to the data exported from the various assessments offered by BalanceVR. Virtual Reality allows the rehabilitator to make his patient work in the conditions closest to reality. When combined with static or dynamic force plates and CDP, it’s even open more the range of possibilities.

  • Instabilities in the elderly
  • Post-fall syndrome
  • Neurologic disorders
  • Vestibular disorders
Rehabilitate your DVA

Dynamic Visual Acuity (DVA) is key for everyday activity life but also in sports performance. Virtual Reality makes it possible to assess Static and Dynamic Visual Acuity and then to train rehabilitate it in a fun and varied way with real time adaptation and progression possibility (speed, amplitude, size of the optotype...).

The VR goggles allow to stimulate the oculo-vestibular reflex with physiologic amplitudes up to 360°.

The patient improves his DVA through various specific and dedicated exercises which are adaptable in real time depending on the patient conditions.

  • Vestibular disorders
  • Professional and amateur athletes
  • Dizziness of the elderly
* Study “State of the art of vertigo rehabilitation in France: focus on vestibular rehabilitation” Frédéric Xavier, Emmanuelle Chouin, Marion Montava, Brahim Tighilet, Jean-Pierre Lavieille, Christian Chabbert - © 2021 published by Elsevier.

Why choosing us?

VR by Virtualis: a real benefit for the patient and the therapist
Therapeutic innovation developed by Health Professionals for Health Professionals
Immersive and fun entertaining dimension of VR (increased patient motivation and engagement)
Faster and sustainable outcomes
Real-time adaptation and easy to use
Better pain and Kinesiophobia management
Optimization and highlighting of your expertise (easy and fast reports, varied rehabilitation protocols, better planning management)
Une patiente équipée du casque de réalité virtuelle Virtualis en mouvement.
Flèche Virtualis

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Is VR gaming?
What is the benefits of rehabilitation platforms?
Why VR makes rehabilitation faster ?

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