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Immersive and optimized
Physical Therapy

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Jeune femme avec casque VR et contrôleurs pour réaliser exercice de rééducation fonctionnelle

PhysioVR est la solution optimale pour la rééducation fonctionnelle. Découvrez comment notre dispositif innovant révolutionne l'approche traditionnelle de la rééducation, offrant des résultats exceptionnels dans une multitude d'applications de santé mais aussi de performance.

Why choosing PhysioVR?

Assessments and protocols adapted to each patient

PhysioVR treats:

Amplitude, vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la réalité virtuelle.

Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.

  • Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Entorses
  • Arthroses
  • Fractures
  • ...
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Amplitude,vitesse, force, proprioception se travaillent efficacement et durablement avec la Réalité Virtuelle.Le patient respecte un plan de travail analytique ou travaille de façon fonctionnelleen chaîne ouverte ou également en chaine fermée. La proprioception sera automatiquement travaillée et ainsi améliorée mais peut aussi être travaillée de façon spécifique.

  • Prothèses de hanches / de genoux
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Entorses
  • Arthroses
  • Fractures
  • ...
An analytical work plan

Amplitude, speed, strength, proprioception can be worked effectively and sustainably with Virtual Reality. The patient follows an analytical work plan or works functionally in an open chain or also in a closed chain. Proprioception will be automatically trained on and thus improved. It can also be worked on in a specific way.

  • Hip/knee prostheses
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Sprains
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fractures
Virtual Reality allows you to work on the precision of gestures

Virtual Reality allows precision of movement, recovery of strength, work on motor patterns and overcoming kinesiophobia. The patient can work in analytical or global mode, all movements are doable regardless of the chosen joint. The Mirror Therapy module is also a great asset for some specific indications.

  • CRPS, algodystrophy
  • Hemiplegia
  • Breast cancer
  • Amputation
  • Rotator cuff
Mobilization in the 3 planes of motion

Mobilization, deep muscle strengthening, and posture are among the rehabilitation possibilities offered by PhysioVR. The patient follows specific therapeutic goals while being trained in stimulating way (entertainmentand immersive experience of VR). Kinesiophobia management is naturally easier and mobilizations in the 3 planes of motion are fully monitored. Strengtheningcore is also made.

  • Neck pain, back pain, low back pain
  • Scoliosis, kyphosis
  • Kinesiophobia
  • Effort retraining
Brain plasticity rehabilitation

The brain plasticity of patients is stimulated thanks to the immersive environment provided by Virtual Reality. Even in patients suffering from chronic conditions, years after a stroke, or many other neurological conditions (Hemiplegia, etc.), regain functional abilities in a sustainable manner, especially with the first world Mirror Therapy in Virtual Reality. A patient with hemineglect will be rehabilitated with ocular tracking or gestural guidance tools.

  • Parkinson
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Hemiplegia
  • Head injuries
  • Cognitive function work
  • Rehabilitation of hemineglect
An innovative approach

The quantification and variety of rehabilitation protocols provided by PhysioVR enable to treat amateur or professional athletes after an injury.  Recovery is optimized and the return to practice is faster. Regular post-season evaluations will reduce the risk of injury recurrence and increase the athlete's performance. The exercises, configurable in real time, allow your athletes to work on muscle strengthening, reflexes, endurance and cardio.

  • Strength, speed, stamina
  • Work of increasing the visual field (AVD)
  • Reactivity, reflexes
  • Precision of the gesture
  • Decision making
Work on balance and proprioception

The accurate and reproductible assessments and the exercises available with PhysioVR, effectively rehabilitate balance and proprioception and working close to the needs of the patient. The rehabilitation puts the patient in real life conditions. You  also treat your patients using vision but also by combining work with other proprioception tools (such as StaticVR or MotionVR force plates).

  • Hip/knee prostheses
  • Ligamentoplasties
  • Sprains
  • Neurology
  • Fall prevention
An effective tool to fight chronic pain

Thanks to its action on brain plasticity, VR is an effective asset to handle and treats chronic pain, regardless of their origin. On the one hand, thanks to the fun and immersive dimension of VR, the patient focuses on the task he/she has to achieve andnot on his/her pain. On the other hand, VR makes it possible to work directly on the nervous system by sending messages and thus causing a dissociation of nociceptive information from various sensory inputs. VR is also effective with kinesophobia management.

  • CRPS
  • Neurologic pain
  • Low back pain
  • Phantom pains (amputations)

Countries have adopted our solution


Patients treated with our solutions


Clinics equipped

Why choosing us?

VR by Virtualis: a real benefit for the patient and the therapist
Therapeutic innovation developed by Health Professionals for Health Professionals
Immersive and fun entertaining dimension of VR (increased patient motivation and engagement)
Faster and sustainable outcomes
Real-time adaptation and easy to use
Better pain and Kinesiophobia management
Optimization and highlighting of your expertise (easy and fast reports, varied rehabilitation protocols, better planning management)
Une patiente équipée du casque de réalité virtuelle Virtualis en mouvement.
Flèche Virtualis

A question ?

Additional questions?
We are here to answer them
Is VR gaming?
Why VR makes rehabilitation faster ?
What is the benefits of rehabilitation platforms?
How will VR optimize my practice?
What is VR?

Explore our

For each patient, Virtualis offers a suitable therapeutic solution.
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Try our PhysioVR solution

The Virtualis team will be very pleased to help you and to answer your request if you are located in France and in some of the French-speaking border countries*.

Virtualis is part of Interacoustics, and benefits from its worldwide distribution network.

Please fill in the form below and we will forward your request to the Interacoustics team and its local representatives who will be pleased to answer all your requests.

*For the list of the French-speaking border countries, simply ask us: contact@virtualisvr.com