
Personal data

protection policy

To what does this personal data protection policy apply?

This personal data protection policy applies to this website, as well as to any other online initiative belonging to the company Virtualis and collecting personal data (the “Media”). Therefore, this Policy does not apply to third party websites, including those that may be mentioned on our Materials via a web link. Please note that if required by law in your country, the This personal data protection policy may be supplemented by local provisions which we strongly invite you to consult on our Supports.

What data do we collect from you?

With your prior consent, when you use our Media, we may collect and process all or part of the following data: the data you provide (i) by filling out forms, (ii) by uploading content online, (iii) by subscribing to online services (e.g.: applications and social network pages) or (iv) by sending us correspondence:

- first and last name;

- email address; - gender;

- telephone number;

- postal address;

- age/date of birth;

- your opinion on our products;

- payment information (on the e-commerce Supports);

- your purchase history (on the e-commerce Supports);

- any special requests you may have send us (mainly for archiving purposes);

- photos or videos of you that you wish to share.

We may ask you to respond to surveys that we use for scientific and statistical purposes.

Do we collect your IP address and cookies?

We may collect your IP address and browser type for the purposes of administering our systems and/or compiling statistics and without identifying any other individual information.‍In some cases, we may also use cookies which correspond to small files of letters and numbers downloaded to your terminal when you access our Support.

We primarily use cookies to recognize you when you log back into our Materials and to display content that may be relevant to your interests. Internet browser default settings are usually set to accept cookies, but You can easily change this by modifying your browser settings.

However, please note that if you choose to disable cookies, some parts of our Support may not be accessible.

For any questions regarding cookies: contact us at:

How do we use your personal data?

We mainly use your personal data as part of the management of our customers/prospects, and in particular to respond to your requests or to regularly send you news and information on our products, our brands, our operations and/or our Supports that may to arouse your interest.‍

We also use your data to improve your digital experience on our Media: understand your interest in our Media and their content, manage your online account, validate your participation in our operations, process your payments , ensure that our Support is presented in the way that is most suitable for you and your terminal, and protect you against possible fraudulent actions.

How can you access your personal data?

You always have the possibility of contacting us by post, by email or by telephone (please refer to the contact details indicated in the conditions of use of the Media you use) to consult the personal data concerning you which are in our possession.‍

If you identify an error among this data or if you consider it incomplete or ambiguous, you can also ask us to correct, complete or clarify it. You can also object to your data being used for purposes commercial prospecting or communicated to third parties for this purpose. Finally, you can ask us to delete any personal data which concerns you and which we hold.

However, please note that we may keep a record of your data for archival purposes (particularly where required by law).

Do we share your personal data?

Subject to what is indicated in this personal data protection policy or unless we have previously obtained your consent, we may communicate your personal data with persons employed by our company or our service providers (for example, our web agencies which manage certain online operations on our behalf) and/or commercial partners for the purposes previously mentioned, and only to the extent necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted to them.

These people may be required to contact you directly using the contact details you have provided to us.‍Please note that we strictly require our service providers to use your personal data only to administer the services we ask them to provide.

We also ask these service providers to always act in compliance with applicable laws regarding the protection of personal data and to pay particular attention to the confidentiality of this data.

Where do we store your personal data?

Your personal data is stored either in our databases or in those of our service providers.‍

In certain cases, and mainly for technical reasons, these databases may be stored on servers located outside the country (including in outside the European Union) from which you initially entered the data.

Is your personal data kept secure?

We aim to always store your personal data as safely and securely as possible and only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose pursued by the processing. With this in mind, we take appropriate physical, technical and organizational measures to prevent, as far as possible, any alteration or loss of your data or any unauthorized access to them.‍

We inform you that this personal data protection policy can be modified by us. In this case, these modifications will be viewable on this page.

Local provisions


In accordance with law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 as amended relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you.

To exercise this right, you must send us a request accompanied by proof of identity to: